Are you concerned because your recent health check-up wasn't what you expected?
Have you noticed that you've gained weight, especially around the mid-section, and losing weight has become harder?
Even though you may not “feel” any symptoms, or just notice that you've slowed down in recent years, an additional risk factor is your body shape. Because where you “wear” your fat matters: If you look more like an apple than a pear, your risk of developing metabolic syndrome is even greater.
Carrying weight around your middle is an indication of excess visceral fat, a key risk factor for the development of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even certain cancers. Here are some of the markers of metabolic syndrome:
Having a large waistline (more than 35-inch circumference for women and more than 40 for men)
Low levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol
High triglyceride levels
High levels of blood sugar
High blood pressure
The good news is that metabolic syndrome can be reversed naturally, even if you have a genetic disposition or close relatives who have had diabetes or heart disease.
Since your risk for metabolic syndrome increases with age, it is critical to understand how your lifestyle habits impact your risk as early as possible. We also recommend proper testing to see where your inflammation markers stand.